Shop & Eat Local

Support Your Local Businesses

We encourage our community to support our businesses in the Ouachita area. Local business owners know you, and you know them. Here are the big reasons to shop local.
1. Our Community Flourishes: Supporting local businesses in Monroe strengthens the community, fostering economic growth, job creation, and a thriving local ecosystem.
2. Unique Finds: Discover one-of-a-kind products and services that reflect the distinct character and charm of Monroe – a shopping experience unlike any other.
3. Personalized Service: Enjoy personalized and family service from locals who understand the community’s needs, offering a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
4. Preserving Character: By choosing local, you contribute to preserving the unique identity and heritage of Monroe and Ouachita Parish, maintaining its cultural richness.
5. Neighborhood Connections: Building meaningful connections with your neighbors and local business owners creates a sense of belonging and community pride. Remember, it’s always a BEAUTIFUL day in Monroe.
6. Boosting Local Events: Your support helps fund local events and activities, contributing to the vibrant cultural scene that makes our community unique.
7. Keeping Dollars Local: When you spend locally, more of your money stays in the community, circulating within the local economy and benefiting everyone who calls Monroe home.


Own It Boutique

of Monroe

of West Monroe

Sanders Wholesale Florist Inc. of Monroe

217 South 5th Street 
Monroe LA 71201
(318) 325-6841

Elegant Boutique, LLC

1610 Winnsboro Road 
Monroe LA 71201
(318) 789-2031

The Tee Boutique

Magnolia James Interiors


Wags to Whiskers

2004 Roselawn Avenue 
Monroe LA 71201
(318) 855-2399

Sanders Wholesale Florist Inc. of Monroe

217 South 5th Street 
Monroe LA 71201
(318) 325-6841